The fact that you are visiting this page means that you want to know about me, the author of the blog. This is more of an extended version of the 'About Me' Page, minus the blogroll.You can visit that page as well by clicking here in case you feel this is a waste of time.
Honestly, its a surprise that you read my blog, and its mind boggling that you actually bother to know more about the author. But I obviously don't mind and so, I welcome you to the crazy world of AnThropocentric or in short 'The AnT'.
In case you were not observant, or just did not care, I must inform you that I have not revealed my identity anywhere on this blog, although most of the people who read this already know who I am. I have revealed a few facts that I will reiterate here. I am an Engineer and an MBA. I did my Engineering from Manipal, and my MBA from Mumbai, or Bombay, I have never really gotten into the habit of calling the city by its new name. These are facts that you will understand as they are mentioned in many of my posts. The names of my institutes, my school or my city of birth have not been mentioned anywhere, so I would like to keep it that way.
I have been known as the Ant since my school days, and I have endorsed and propagated that nickname myself as I can readily associate with it. Also, being fairly obsessed with my name and nickname, you will notice a heavy usage of 'Ant' in every possible method.
The display picture that you see above was taken during one of the lab classes during my engineering. It is an arrangement of IC's or Integrated Circuits that I made as I did not know how to perform the experiment and was waiting for my lab partner to figure it out.
This blog mainly talks about my observations and my take on life and the things around me. More about that is mentioned in a couple of my blog posts which I hope you will read. My interests are covered in some of my posts and I will mention them in a nutshell at the end of this page. My posts may be infrequent and that is mainly because I am either too lazy, strapped for time or cant think of a good topic.
Please do share your comments in case you have any feedback regarding the posts as they will be most appreciated. Praise is welcome and insults, even more. Also, if you feel like it, spread the blog to your friends/enemies.
Keep Reading.
About the AnT:
Arrogant, Proud, Complacent, Slightly Disgruntled, Observant, Amused, Irritated, Chauvinistic, Sarcastic, Sadistic, Deviant, Non-Conformist, Nonchalant, Impersonal, Rude, Uncaring, Possessive, Unimpressed, Straightforward, Insane, Unaffected, Unperturbed, Defiant, Thinker, Dreamer, Calm, Quiet, Hyperactive at times, Realist, Blissfully Ignorant, Lazy, Egotistical, Audiophile, Metal Head, Technophile, Petrolhead, AnThropocentric.