Thursday 16 August 2007

What The Hell Is This??

What The Hell Is This??
That is indeed a good question, and lets see if it can be answered. This is the first time I am writing a blog and to be brutally honest, I haven't read too many blogs in my life. The only reason I started to write this was the fact that I was getting bored and I thought I didn't have anything better to do.

The true answer to the above mentioned question will be somewhat of an outline of what can be expected to be found on my page, which will be my take on life, my observations, my philosophies, the way I live my life. What I write may or may not be appreciated and may be difficult for some to fathom, but that is when it would be time to say "If I Care". I don't expect people to read all this, and I couldn't care less if they did. If for some strange reason you actually read this it's well and good (But may be a little pathetic as well), and if it by some strange consequence, it changes your life in a most infinitesimal way, that would be even better, but I won't be holding my breath or anything.

What will be written is basically how I live my life, and how the people around me affect the course that it takes. What I notice in people, what I expect from others, what I am, and why I am that way.

A little about me, but that does not include any personal details like name, address, occupation or anything. I have been called arrogant, complacent, obnoxious, sadistic, sarcastic etc, etc.... by different people at different points of time. Whether I am any of these things is something that I have never tried to figure out, I am what I am and barring a few people in the universe, I don't care about what people think about me. If you know who I am and are wondering whether or not you fall under this category, I would really appreciate it if you don't ask me. One think that I like to do is observe people and their behaviour, after which I draw my own conclusions and impressions about the person, which justifies the name of this blog. One thing that I would like to mention is that I don't smoke, drink or take any sort of artificial stimulants, because of which I am able to observe mankind at it's most primitive form, i.e. people, when they are high and have completely lost control.

For all those who do not know, Anthropology is the study of the behaviour and development of humans, and Anthropocentricity is regarding humans as the central element of the universe and interpreting reality exclusively in terms of human values and experience.

an·te·ced·ent [an-tuh-seed-nt]

1. preceding; prior: an antecedent event.

2. a preceding circumstance, event, object, style, phenomenon, etc.
3. antecedents,
a. ancestors.
b. the history, events, characteristics, etc., of one's earlier life.

4. Grammar . a word, phrase, or clause, usually a substantive, that is replaced by a pronoun or other substitute later, or occasionally earlier, in the same or in another, usually subsequent, sentence.

5. Mathematics.
a. the first term of a ratio; the first or third term of a proportion.
b. the first of two vectors in a dyad.

6. Logic . the conditional element in a proposition.

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