Saturday 23 February 2008


Barbers, you always think they have some sort of Vendetta against you. You are never sure why but somehow it always seems that they are out to get you. Being in a position of power, once you are seated in the dreaded seat, they are free to vent out their frustration and exact any sort of sadistic pleasure they wish when they start their ritualistic dance.

You know you are helpless once the barber starts, as what is done, cannot be undone, at least for a while, and whatever he leaves you with has to be accepted. I am yet to come across a person who has been satisfied with his haircut. (I am not being chauvinistic by just referring to males, I have never asked a girl if she liked her haircut, but I think it should be the same story in the female community as well.)

The barber never wants to listen to what you want done, he has some preconceived notion in his head, and your instructions will be useless as he will eventually end up doing whatever he wants to your hair. Its like a quote in 'Asterix in Corsica' (Though it was aimed at a different person, I would like to use it here.) where it is said "You could stone his donkey to death with ripe figs before you could get through to him".

Barbers are probably the only people in this world who get paid to scalp others. No matter what hope and expectations you have when you enter the barber shop, you are bound to be disappointed. There are very rare incidents when a person is happy with his haircut the next day, but the odds of this happening are very low.

The barbers are skilled illusionists who somehow manage to ensure your hair looks decent while you are still in the premises, but once you are out, all hell breaks loose. It is worse for people who use spectacles, as you have to take them off while getting a haircut, and so you are quite helpless when the barber crops away, and whenever he asks you if what he has done is right, you have to assume that he knows what he is doing and nod in assent, without actually being able to understand what has been done. Calvin was right when he commented on barbers in his quote "You never criticise a guy with a razor" because you will hardly ever give a barber a negative feedback, in fear that if you return to him at any point of time in the future, he might just want to take revenge.

The reason behind this post is that I recently had a pretty horrible haircut, which made me feel that it might not be a coincidence and maybe the barber community is actually out to get us. I have to go now as I need to get another haircut to fix what has been down to my crowning glory. (Or for that matter make it worse than what it is right now). I really feel at such times that Life should have a Save and Load option to undo things that go bad, but that is a really long topic in itself, and I will probably discuss it in the future.
bar·bar·i·an [bahr-bair-ee-uhn]

1. a person in a savage, primitive state; uncivilized person.
2. a person without culture, refinement, or education; philistine.
3. (loosely) a foreigner.
4. (in ancient and medieval periods)
a. a non-Greek.
b. a person living outside, esp. north of, the Roman Empire.
c. a person not living in a Christian country or within a Christian civilization.
5. (among Italians during the Renaissance) a person of non-Italian origin.

6. uncivilized; crude; savage.
7. foreign; alien.

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