Saturday, 1 March 2008

Save and Load

Most computer games that I have come across till date (And I play a lot of games mind you) always have a Save and Load option which enables the player to save his progress and then either :
a) Quit and continue from that point, or
b) Replay the game from that point in case he makes some mistake in the future.

Most games also include a quicksave and quickload feature to enable you to avoid the effort of going to the main menu, clicking on save/load, choosing a filename etc, all you need to do is press the hotkey to save or load the game and continue playing. Also, there is an autosave available which automatically saves your progress after a predetermined time or after achieving certain goals.

No, this post is not about computer games, it’s about how some features of games could be useful in real life. I have always wanted to have the feature of saving and loading in real life in order to be able to perform action (b) as mentioned above. I don't know how many people will agree with me but I have always been quite curious to try performing certain acts but have refrained from doing so because of the imminent consequences. So I always wondered how it would be like if life gave me an option to save and resume from certain points of my choice.

Now I am not going to write about how I would change the world by warning people about disasters and calamities and all such tragedies. Neither will I mention returning to the past to change some incorrect decisions with long-term consequences.

No, I am going to talk about the urge that I sometimes have to say jump from one building to another, or try a freefall or similar acts which I have never performed in order to ensure that I stay alive and well.

In my college, my classroom was on the 2nd floor for more than 2 years. In the final year we had a tree that would grow quite close to the corridor just opposite the entrance to my class. I have always wanted to try and jump from the corridor to see if I could reach the tree. I never thought about what I would actually do if I jumped and managed to grab on to the tree. How I would climb down or what I would gain by committing this unprecedented act of insanity. Reality always ensured that I had my feet firmly on the ground, so I never attempted the leap, but I still think if I could save my life at a point before which I could have jumped, I would have loved to do that and then try to leap towards the tree, with the assurance that I could always go back unharmed to the point of time before something adverse happened.

Another incident that made me crave for having such an option was my exams. I would have loved to be able to save at a point a few hours before the examination, go the exam hall, memorise the questions, load to my saved point and then study only what was required and ace the exam. It would ensure I maximised my output while at the same time minimise the effort required.

Quicksaving would come in really handy when I was having an argument with someone. I could save before every exchange and judging by the response I would assess whether I was winning the argument or if it took an adverse turn. This way I could always ensure I made my point and won every argument. Also, if I started irritating a person, it would make sure I didn’t cross the limits. I know when I get excited, I often lose the ability to think so this action would keep me in check, and help avoid Armageddon.

One priceless ability would be to help satisfy my mean and sadistic side. Every human being in this world has a cruel side and no matter how vehemently they deny it, they know it exists. I for one have often wanted to slap some people, but have refrained from doing so because of social and moral issues. There have definitely been times when I wanted to slap my teacher, or some of my friends, or just random people, and it would have been priceless if I could save my life, perform an act, and then undo it. The recipient would never know and my motive would have been accomplished.

There are times when I have been curious and wanted to try some things but have refrained, either because good sense prevailed or I just felt it wasn’t worth it. But knowing that I could perform an action and judging by the result could choose whether to accept or reject the outcome, would have been absolutely priceless. I am sure I would have been happy and entertained, and would not wonder later about what if I did this instead of that. Also, I would not have to imagine what would happen if I pressed a certain button or did things that I was threatened not to do. It would really have been something else.

Autosave would have obvious uses in life. Just in case I performed an act unintentionally, or intentionally but forgot to save, I could always undo it. It would help me in averting accidents and spontaneous acts of cruelty, stupidity, insensitivity, and you get the point.

The possibilities of life having an option to save and load are infinite and are only restricted by human imagination. I have just stated some incidents that I could think of at this time, I am sure there are billions of other things that could be done. Also, like Games life should also have an option to be Paused. I think that will be a topic for a later post though.

re·sume [ri-zoom]

–verb (used with object)
1. to take up or go on with again after interruption; continue: to resume a journey.
2. to take or occupy again: to resume one's seat.
3. to take or assume use or practice of again.
4. to take back: to resume the title to a property.

–verb (used without object)

5. to go on or continue after interruption: The dancing is about to resume.
6. to begin again.

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