Anthropocentricity is the name of this blog, which you must have noticed. It is a fairly uncommon word, in fact I did not know that it was a word at all till a few moments before I named my blog. I came across this word when I was searching for an appropriate title for my blog, which had to certify certain criteria. Human Beings are the most self centred beings that exist in the universe. The existence of words like narcissism, ego, and the underlying philosophy behind it is a concrete example behind this fact. Anthropocentricity is actually a belief, which shows the height of self obsession. The mere fact that this term actually exists is a glorious indicator of the value humans assign to themselves and their kind. It regards Human beings as the central element of the universe and believes in interpreting reality exclusively in terms of human values and experience.
The reason why my blog is called Anthropocentricity is actually quite simple. I am a self obsessed human being and I love my name. My nickname has been Ant for a fairly long time, which is something which I actually chose and promote at every possible opportunity. Almost everything that I have to name has Ant in it, in some way or the other. For example, my iPod is called AnThropoda, my cell phone is AnTcelliary, my computer is AnT’s Arena and so on. I am sure that by now, you may have understood that it was necessary that my blog name should contain AnT in it. I also consider myself to be a very observant person, so something related to human behaviour was preferred. I tried for AnThropology but it was unavailable, that was when I ran into this term and the rest is evident.
Honestly speaking, and I know it is quite incredible, but, people have actually asked me why I write a blog, so I plan to address that question here. Also, I will write about the factors that influence what I write. The main reason why I write is basically because I enjoy it. It is also one of the best ways for me to blow off steam. I normally begin with an idea and then ponder over it for a while. If I feel that I have sufficient matter for a post, then I get down to writing it. I don’t normally expect people to read what I write, because of which I write on whatever topic that I feel like. Of course, if someone reads it, I appreciate it, and if the bother to leave a comment, then it’s even better.
The topic and my tone of writing are primarily influenced by my mood. I normally have several entries in the pipeline at any given point of time, but not all of them see a final draft. Sometimes I get bored while writing a post, because of which it is scrapped. Being a fairly lazy person, some of my entries, lose their charm because of excessive delays, and hence remain in the pipeline forever. My tone is a very important factor which guides my blog. And later, when I read my blog, I sometimes surprise myself by the tone in which an entry is written. Motivation for writing comes when I am absolutely bored and not in a mood to do anything else. Despite the fact that I like to read, I still consider it as work because of which I normally need some sort of inspiration to key in a post.
I have been criticised for long posts, but that is just the way I write, and although I appreciate the feedback, I don’t think this factor can actually be considered very seriously. My topics range from subtle criticism, humour, personal experiences and observations. I write what I have thought about or planned to write. It is a fairly eclectic selection of matters with no common pattern, at least I couldn’t find one. My topics and content try to reflect a part of myself, and basically my public side. I never really considered myself to be a person who will bother to write anything, but life is full of surprises. I wrote a daily log of my life for more than two years, which for some unknown reasons stopped, and the period in which I didn’t write was one of the most eventful phases of my life. Writing for an audience is really different from writing for yourself, which as one of my friends pointed out is actually very true.
Blogs are a really intriguing concept, and I have had the opportunity to read a number of blogs written by people who I know very well. The name of the blog, the topics, content, style of writing, are unique to the person who wrote them. I really enjoyed reading what others had written, and if I knew the person, then I could actually appreciate and understand the text much better.
I think I should end this now, as I had already tried to address some of these issues with my first post, and I should not drag this on unnecessarily. Enjoy reading, and remember, feedback is always welcome.
an·thro·po·cen·tric [an-thruh-poh-sen-trik]
1. Regarding the human being as the central fact of the universe.
2. Assuming human beings to be the final aim and end of the universe.
3. Viewing and interpreting everything in terms of human experience and values.
an·thro·po·cen·tric·i·ty [an-thruh-poh-sen-tris-i-tee]
1 The state or quality of being anthropocentric.
2. An anthropocentric interpretation of the universe.
1 The state or quality of being anthropocentric.
2. An anthropocentric interpretation of the universe.
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