Saturday, 23 August 2008

Classroom Crusades 2 : The Tyrants Strike Back

This is a sequel to one of my previous posts which compared a classroom to a battlefield and assigned different ranks to different students as well as described various battle strategies. In case you’re interested in reading the same, please follow the link :

Now that the rebellious faction that fights for the great cause has been described, it is now time to shed light on the Oppressive Tyrants against whom they fight.

For the uninitiated, the Tyrants are the faculty and administration of an educational institute. The tyrants have a tiered ranking structure as well and have different positions for different roles. They also have different battle plans to oppress, decimate and discourage the soldiers from open rebellion. The Oppressive Tyrants exist for the sole purpose of torturing the Soldiers of The Great Cause and feel threatened by the existence of these noble souls. They are forever vigilant and ready to perform unspeakable acts of cruelty to inhibit the Soldiers from gaining any sort of ground and digressing from their defined Propaganda.

The following are the different ranks of the Tyrants based on their capabilities and requirements.

1. Zombies – These are amongst the lowest ranks of the Tyrants, forming the majority of their strength. They are brainless creatures who just go through the regular motions with no care or concern about what is happening around them. They find their strengths in numbers and are found in large congregations on the Battlefield. They have the ability to ensure that everything around them rots and that the Soldiers of the Great Cause become brain dead after prolonged interaction. They gradually increase in strength over a period of time and have the ability to regenerate time and time again.

2. Banshees – Banshees are the deafening creatures whose howl is known to be a precursor to the death of the soldier of The Great Cause. The wail of the banshee is known to strike fear in the hearts of the soldiers and they can be found in significant numbers in the ranks of the tyrants. Banshees are known to announce their arrival to the battlefield with a loud, shrill wail. Banshees primarily exist to demoralise the soldiers so that stronger Tyrants may strike. The banshees ensure that all soldiers who hear their voice are tormented and fatigued. A special skill of the banshees is the ability to put Soldiers in a state of restless, prolonged slumber, making them extremely vulnerable and prone to direct assault.

3. Ghouls – They are the lowest ranks among the Oppressive Tyrants and lack direct combat skills. They are adept at indirect combat and negative tactics. They are normally the low level administrative staff that can create problems if they refuse to cooperate and help out. Ghouls do not possess a direct threat to the soldiers, but they have been capable of causing pandemonium in certain cases when used effectively.

4. Succubus/Incubus – These are a very dangerous sect of the tyrants, and are extremely deceptive in nature. They pretend to be sympathetic to The Great Cause and feign sympathy to the Soldiers, but at crucial moments drop the mask and wreak havoc. They are intelligence gatherers of the Tyrants and are masters of disguise, known to penetrate deep into the ranks of the Soldiers before the Warlords or Commandoes discover their identities. Succubae and Incubi are responsible for several failed initiatives and setbacks to The Great Cause. The special attack of these creatures is known to be able to put entire battalions into their most vulnerable and defenceless state, creating a ripe opportunity to attack. They can sometimes be mistaken for Guardian Angels, which will be explained next.

5. Guardian Angels – A very rare occurrence among the Oppressive Tyrants, they are true sympathisers of The Great Cause, who often work with spies to help dismantle the Oppressive Machine of the Tyrants. They act as the Initial Warning System of the Soldiers allowing them to get into Defensive Formations or launching a Pre-emptive Strike. They are also known to assist in freeing Prisoners of War. They are sources for disinformation amidst the Tyrants and have to constantly remain vigilant. Guardian Angels are known to be confused with Succubus/Incubus because of the known strikes by these creatures which have led to massive losses among the Soldiers.

6. Vampires – These are relentless creatures that are amongst the more feared of the Tyrants. As the name suggests, these creatures suck the life force of the soldiers. Any soldier that comes into direct conflict with Vampires is unlikely to survive as these creatures are known to be absolutely merciless and are not known to stop before their opponent is completely devoid of life. Vampires are extremely powerful but rare, they are mostly in their dormant state but may be awakened by certain events and wreak hell. It is unlikely that a Vampire will be pacified without an appropriate sacrifice. They are the ones that relentlessly ask questions and can sense what you don’t know and capitalise on that.

7. Death Knights – The most feared Warriors amongst The Oppressive Tyrants. The mere sight of this creature on the battlefield is enough to create panic and pandemonium amidst the ranks of the Soldiers. Catalysts of Doom, these soldiers rip through the revolutionaries and leave chaos in their wake. Very few Soldiers can actually survive the onslaught of the Death Knight. Capable of Mass Destruction, these warriors have access to the most advanced and dreaded fighting techniques which along with their strength makes them a formidable foe. They are normally the ones who formulate battle plans and demonic rituals along with the Liches to harass the Soldiers. They are the ones who are the stingiest with marks during exams.

8. Liches/Demons – They are the weaker but more intelligent warriors that occupy a similar stature as the Death Knights. What they lack in brute force, they compensate for it by dark rites and demonic strategies. The thinkers among the Oppressive Tyrants, they are aware of the weaknesses in the ranks of the revolutionaries and know exactly where and how to strike. Though small in numbers, they are very dangerous. They avoid direct conflict but are one of the most lethal foes of The Great Cause. They are the ones who set the examination papers along with The Death Knights.

9. Dread Lords – The King of the Hill, occupying the highest seat of power in the ranks of The Oppressive Tyrants. There are just one or two Dread Lords in any congregation of Tyrants and are the rule makers and supreme authority. They hold the fate of the entire battlefield in their hands and are capable of almost any inhumane act imaginable. They may be a threat to The Oppressive Tyrants as well during fits of rage because of which they are kept far away from direct conflict, except in extreme circumstances which lead to Cataclysmic outcomes. They are the heads of academic institutions.

The Oppressive Tyrants don’t really have, nor do they need much of a strategy. They have just one motive, which as the name suggests is to have a reign of chaos and terror to torture the Soldiers and Revolutionaries. Suppressing them and making their life hell, ensuring eternal suffering. Their abilities are as follows :

1. Nightmare – The ability of the tyrants to induce a restless slumber among the Soldiers. This is a very commonly adapted strategy and is an inherent ability found in almost every tier of the Tyrants. A special form of the ability is “The Song of the Siren” which is used by Banshees which can induce nightmares amongst mass numbers and render entire battalions defenceless. Nightmares are commonly adapted by Succubus/Incubus to create vulnerabilities after infiltrating the ranks of the Tyrants just before a full scale assault is initiated.

2. Dark Ritual – One of the most dreaded abilities of the tyrants. An innate characteristic of liches and death knights, the dark ritual is the event that takes place to strike at the heart of the tyrants, hitting them where it hurts the most. Dark rituals take place on a periodic basis giving soldiers time to prepare for the same, but preparations are often futile as the rite is often accompanied by thunderbolts. They are used for mass eradication of the soldiers. This is the act of setting the exam paper and then taking examinations.

3. Thunderbolt - A quick, sudden, unexpected strike which is often lethal. The strategy is a huge threat because of the element of surprise. Intensity of the strike normally depends on the evil intent behind it. This strike may have a single target or can be designed for splash damage. This is a tricky or unexpected question in class or in an exam. This is normally a morale breaking activity practiced frequently to prevent the soldiers from being aggressive and to ensure soldier attacks are at a minimum. For splash damage, it may also be used as a Surprise Test to affect every soldier on the battleground.

4. Firewall - One of the more dreaded, yet easily executable abilities of the tyrants in which revolutionaries are denied access to certain areas by an impregnable barrier erected solely for this purpose. Firewall prohibits soldiers from reaching the battlefield giving the tyrants a strategic edge. In laymen terms, it is what happens when the door is locked and the teacher does not allow you to enter the classroom.

5. Mark of Death - sometimes a revolutionary is singled out and considered a severe threat to the Tyrants and their Oppression Machine. These revolutionaries are then given the mark of death and find themselves on the receiving end of a series of relentless strikes till they break down completely. This is the situation when a teacher continually picks on a particular student at every possible opportunity, ensuring that he suffers perpetually and succumbs to their will.

6. Reanimate Dead/Necromancy – This is a powerful ability possessed exclusively the upper echelons of the Tyrants and is the reason behind the sustenance of their Regime. This ability is used to resurrect the fallen Tyrants when they succumb to the attacks of the soldiers of The Great Cause. The senior tyrants have the ability to restore the fallen to either their previous forms or in a newer role if necessary. Sometimes the tyrants reanimate their comrades just to strengthen a particular division of their ranks. This is what happens when students successfully break a teacher, and the other teachers express solidarity. Reanimation is often followed by intense onslaughts by the Tyrants.

7. Anathema – A severe curse or damnation consigned to a soldier or a battalion, which marks them for all the Tyrants, so that they remain more vigilant about their activities and ensure that these revolutionaries are on the receiving end of greater onslaughts. This seemingly simple looking ability can be used treacherously by alleviating the targets, attempting to have their comrades turn against them, thus defeating the targets as well sowing seeds of confusion amongst the soldiers of The Great Cause, resulting in huge setbacks. This is either targeting some students or a sudden change of heart towards a particular group of students, making others suspicious.

8. Impale – One of the most underhanded techniques which is capable of bringing even the strongest of the soldiers down to their knees. This ability is used to deny the Soldiers something that is rightfully theirs. This barbaric act is the display of power used by Tyrants to ensure that the Soldiers do not try to overreach themselves. This is often use to cripple morale and is considered one of the most heinous acts performed by the Tyrants. i.e Denial of attendance, or unfair correction of answer sheets.

9. Armageddon – The ultimate ability controlled by the Tyrants. Normally restricted to Dread Lords, this ability has dire consequences to the target, ensuring complete and total annihilation of his physical and mental being. An extremely potent technique, it is sparingly used and is reserved only for the worst case scenarios as it may have unwanted fallouts for the Tyrants as well. An ability to temporarily end all resistance and completely decimate the soldiers of The Great Cause, the knowledge of this ability ensures that the revolutionaries are in a perpetual state of terror. This is the ability to expel someone from the institution.

10. Plague/Pestilence – Signature ability of the ghouls. This is when these otherwise unimportant Tyrants use their skills to putrefy the battlefield, rendering it unfit for Soldiers, reducing morale and hindering smooth execution of battle plans to advance The Great Cause. A temporary ability, this can be used in conjunction with abilities like Nightmare for enhanced effectiveness. This is basically an administrative strike leading to non-cooperation of the institution. Unclean classrooms, too much of paperwork, lack of chairs etc.

11. Eternal Damnaation - This is an extremely cruel ritual, which is often practiced by the Tyrants in order to prolong the agony of the Brave Soldiers. It involves extra acts of cruelty, extending beyond their stipulated battle time. It is used to deter surprise attacks and decrement the amount of time available to forward The Great Cause. It basically means conducting extra classes and special lectures.

Note : Since the post describes an enemy (i.e. Teachers), all characters and abilities have been made evil. Some may be a little unusual, so please feel free to ask me if you cant understand the reference.



1. a sovereign or other ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly.
2. any person in a position of authority who exercises power oppressively or despotically.
3. a tyrannical or compulsory influence.
4. an absolute ruler, esp. one in ancient Greece or Sicily.


Unknown said...

good review published abt our classroom ... better if u really put up some names whom u have categorized.....

AnThropocentric said...

Lets just leave that to everyones imagination.

Unknown said...

just a correction ...probably the structure shud be a bit diluted so that lesser mortals shud understand it.....apologies...wud definately try to read,understand and then publish a comment....