Saturday, 6 September 2008

Whats In A Smile??

The Smile, it is not the best medicine in the world, that credential belongs to Laughter, so I presume it comes in a close second.

A Smile is one of the most infectious entities that exists in this universe and is probably the most wonderful emotion that exist. It is by far the most complicated and varied gesture that can be performed as it can, if used properly, exhibit a vast range of emotions and can depict countless situations. I will try to mention a few smiles that can be seen in daily life and the circumstances behind them.

A smile is a versatile expression, with different intents in different conditions. It is not as innocent an expression as it is often perceived. It is a potent tool in the hands of a competent wielder. It can be used in differing circumstances to attain various results, which may or may not be desirable.

1. The Sadistic Smile - This is the smile that can be seen on ones face when he has gained some sort of sadistic pleasure by performing a cruel act on someone else. It can also be called as The Cruel Smile.

2. The Sarcastic Smile - The sarcastic smile is also known in some circles as the Mocking Smile. A smile which is normally accompanied by an act of sarcasm as the name implies. The smile is successful only if sarcasm is not detected by the recipient of the act. It becomes a mocking smile when sarcasm is detected and the implied insult or intent is understood by the recipient. It is effective either way, which makes it a favoured weapon of those adept in the art of sarcasm.

3. The Heart Melter - This is a special kind of a smile which is conditional in nature. Normally a characteristic of children, this is a smile used to get out of a problematic situation, as well as to get an object of desire. Some grownups are also able to pull this off and consequently get several tasks accomplished.

4. The Wicked Smile - A smile full of malice and cruelty. It differs from a sadistic smile as it may form on the face of a person when another person is suffering or going through a very unpleasant situation, which is probably not created by the person with this expression their face.

5. The Seductive Smile - An ace up the sleeve of those bestowed with the gift of knowing how to use it well. Used more effectively by the female species, it is often misleading and may have malicious intent behind it, to achieve sadistic pleasure. It is used to display interest, tempt or mislead the recipient.

6. The Embarrassed Smile - A frequently used gesture, which is the result of the person being caught in an awkward situation. It is used as a stall tactic to buy some time, while a strategy to escape from the situation is formulated.

7. The 'I Give Up' Smile - This is the smile which forms on the face of a person who has accepted defeat. The person has exhausted all means of rectifying the situation and is now at the mercy of the recipient. It is an attempt to soften the blow, but may also be perceived as a show of weakness.

8. The Defiant Smile - An expression of strength, a way to show that a person will stick to his stand. Used to show that a person is going to do what he does, despite any and all opposition. An act of courage by a person caught in a position when he is in a situation where all odds are against him. It may be a way to rally support.

9. The Winning Smile - The smile for all situations, this is one of the most useful type of smiles that a person may possess. It can be used to win friends, win an argument, make a good impression on the recipient, show confidence etc. A winning smile is versatile and can be used in adverse situations to turn the tide in your favour and blessed are those who can use it well.

10. The Fake Smile - Not one of the better forms of the facial gesture being discussed, but an essential one nevertheless. Fake smiles are necessary in several situations when you have to acknowledge someone, or reciprocate a smile. It is often used as a substitute for a greeting. They are also used to be cordial, or to fulfil social norms. It is also used while posing in the front of a camera. A special case of the fake smile is the polite smile which is normally accompanied by nods to feign interest in a conversation or a situation as well as to keep the person awake.

11. The ‘I Made a Mistake’ Smile - This can also be called the ‘I am dumb, forgive me’ type of smile.  As the name suggests, it is a smile that a person uses to accept the fact that he did something wrong, and is now ready to suffer the consequences. This smile is mostly used to indicate that a dumb act has been performed and that the punishment is awaited. It is an attempt to reduce the severity of the same.

12. The Tearful Smile - A desperate smile which is normally achieved by the desperate efforts of the recipient. The person exhibiting this facial expression is sometimes distraught and crying, when people around him try to seek an immediate solution to the situation, and cheer this person. The success of their efforts is depicted by the tearful smile, which shows that their efforts are bearing fruit.

13. The Genuine Smile - Probably the best facial expression that exists. It is the smile that originates from the heart and reaches the eyes. This can be seen when the person is genuinely happy, in a favourable situation, just met a friend etc. It is probably the most contagious expression that humans possess and sparks a chain reaction of smiles. In the fake world that we exist in, genuine smiles have become a rarity, which needs to be changed.

14. The Proud Smile - A smile expressed when someone has made an achievement which has pleased him immensely. It is often found on the faces of family members or friends, when someone close to them has made an achievement, which generates a sense of pride in them.

15. The Fearful Smile - This can also be called the ‘I am not afraid’ smile. This may not necessarily have a recipient and it is more often used by the person to convince himself/herself that they are not afraid, even if they are scared out of their wits in a particular situation. This can also be used to express solidarity with another scared person.

16. The Conspiratorial Smile - The smile expressed on the face of a person when he is conspiring against someone else and the imminent satisfaction or pleasure that the act will generate. It may be an individual plot or a conspiracy made in a group. This smile may eventually lead to a sadistic smile. A lower level of this smile is called The Mischievous Smile.

17. The 'I Told You So' Smile - This is amongst the most irritating smile for the recipient which is often displayed as an act of superiority. It comes out as very condescending and the recipient tries to avoid this as much as possible.

18. The Sympathetic Smile - This is a smile used to reassure the recipient that you understand what they are going through and you empathise or sympathise accordingly. It is used to reassure the recipient, or in certain cases be used to generate sympathy as well.

19.  The Out of Place Smile - This is a smile which is very inappropriate for a particular situation. It is expressed by someone who either misinterprets a situation or just chooses to blissfully ignorant of the same.

20. The Reminiscent Smile - An expression displayed by a person who is lost in thought and is thinking of a particular situation which made him happy and being reminded of the same brings a smile to his face. It is a genuine smile with no recipient.

There are probably many more smiles that are expressed in many different situations, but I can't really think of them right now. Do let me know if you can add to the list. I will try to update the list if I can think of some more as well.

Smile [smahyl] 
1. To assume a facial expression indicating pleasure, favor, or amusement, but sometimes derision or scorn, characterized by an upturning of the corners of the mouth.
2. To express by a smile.
3. The act or an instance of smiling; a smiling expression of the face.
4. A pleasant or agreeable appearance, look, or aspect.


Anonymous said...

really interesting post... esp the tearful, genuine and reminiscent smiles... i can think of one other smile... the nervous smile... when u r not 2 sure of urself and don't knw where u r goin (particularly an interview) and u think the best course of action would be probably to smile through it... that i think can be termed as a nervous smile...

Anonymous said...

The "Click" smile - A Fake smile, often forcefully bestowed upon by the photographer. The fake smile is of huge interest, because if not carried out with perfection, he/she can became the laughing stock, thus resulting in smiles all around.

The "To Irritate" smile - A Tactic used by elder brothers upon younger siblings. The brother out of the blue turns starts staring and smiling and the now clueless sibling. Even after hard resistance the younger one usually caves in to this act which he/she has still not understood. Often leaves the place where he/she has been sitting and is followed either by laughter (if 2 brothers are oppressing the sibling with the same tactic togethor), or maybe the "Sadistic" smile if the operation is being carried out by one tyrant alone.